Here's the avatar moving about with the environment -
This time round, I tried to make each of the heads have their own individual time to move in, so it gives the viewer space to see what each one is doing, rather than just a flurry of fluctuating faces. The Super Ego reacts in time with the Sun setting, keeping a watchful eye over it's environment. Once the Sun sets, this sends the Id wild, before the Ego calms them both down and readies the Vessel for another voyage. Meanwhile, the Soul keeps surveying it's surroundings with childlike wonder...
I'm also happy with using Stonehenge as the environment for the Avatar, because it holds multiple meanings for me. On a more scientific, universal level, having the Sun and Moon rotate around it shows the passing of time, and the Avatar remaining constant and whole through this process. It also represents a sacred site, one that is shrouded in mystery and obscurity, yet also a place of worship, and a mutual meeting ground to celebrate the longest day of the year. I really like the connotations of community, humanity, passion and achievement that Stonehenge brings, and, on a personal level this time, it has many fond memories attached to it. I used to live very near to Stonehenge, and as such it represents a part of the Earth that I spent many of my formulative years in, which is something I'm very pleased to be able to pay tribute to with my Avatar. Plus, many a good time has been had at the various Summer Solstices, watching the stars and dancing amongst the stones with all manner of glowing, positive people. The Sun and Moon and general blackness in the background suggest space, the galaxy, universe and infinity, which puts my Avatar and it's various aspects of self in perspective quite nicely.
The Ego -
The Id -
The Super Ego -
The Vessel And The Soul -
My Avatar -
Finally, here's a tiny tribute to the beautiful sounds that have guided me through tonight's work -