Saturday 17 May 2008

Final Thoughts On Flash

So, after finishing off my project on Flash and spending a few days enjoying the sun, I'm starting to think about solidifying my reasons for thinking Audio Visual is the best option for me to go for next year.
Looking back on my Flash project, I'm still very pleased with it considering it's the one of the first big interactive projects I've ever undertaken with Flash. There are a few minor presentation points I think could do with sharpening up, such as when text changes size and appearance when the mouse hovers over it for example. In many cases the text becomes slightly off centre and doesn't look quite as good as it could do. I didn't quite get to grips with Flash well enough to execute some of my ideas as well, but this isn't a total loss as I feel I'll be able to approach any more work done with Flash with more confidence and ability now.
Of all the work I've produced so far, I think the ones I'm definitely most satisfied with were the projects in the first term, that included more filming and editing work. I think continuing in this direction would be the most productive and satisfying route for me to take, but I still need to give this a little more thought.

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