Thursday 22 January 2009

A Trilogy?

Several good ideas came up in the script workshop today for my script. Even though everyone agreed that my script was going to be much longer than 6 minutes, it was suggested that I could split it into parts. This would give me a lot more space and time to develop the characters too, and the script could be cut into at least two, maybe three parts. However, I'm not sure if the brief will allow this?
I also need to make all the characters a little more solid. The character of Laura at the moment isn't able to extend much further than just acting as a plot device whilst Roger reads the newspaper aloud. I'll try and build more on their relationship, as well as writing up some character outlines to help me get a better idea of who they are too.
Another idea that was brought forward was that instead of a TV crew, the sci-fi series could be being made by an internet based company instead, filming in their basement, as a full film crew will be harder to film, and this will make the show seem even more tragic. I like this idea, but I'm not totally sure I need to make a point of it, as just seeing a smaller crew filming him will achieve the same effect.
It was also mentioned that when Roger goes to the time travel interview, the scientist could recognise him from the show. This could lead to some good dialogue and could potentially strengthen the connection between Roger's 'fake' sci-fi show and the reality of his time travel experience, but it could also make Roger out to be more famous than he actually is. I'm not totally sure whether this would help the story or hinder it yet.

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