I managed to finish this off, but couldn't quite get my head around rendering, as per usual. I made it into a Flash animation file, but can't seem to play this on anything, a Windows Media file that just played through the frames at superspeed, and as a series of still images. Maybe I'm just being dense, so point me in the right direction if this is your particular area of expertise.
Secondly, I thought this was worthy of a mention, the album art from the band Om's album 'Conference Of The Birds'.
Now, I'm not totally sure (I couldn't even find the name of the photographer! Another reason why leaving your CD collection at home and bringing a hard-drive of music instead sucks) but I think this is done using similar kinds of pin hole magic that we used. It perfectly fits the still, meditative nature of Om too. No title, no words, no ego, just a glimpse at the fragile balance that lays at the centre of things. Or hey, maybe their low frequencies are just making me come over all pretentious? Their new album 'Pilgrimage' has just come out, so keep 'em peeled!
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