But enough of this frivolity, lets sink our teeth into a tasty hard work sandwich.
After several projects last term didn't actually come to fruition, it's probably a good idea to look at why. The Pixelation videos turned out fine, other than one me and John were working on which was probably a little too ambitious to finish off in the time (who knows, maybe we could have done, but with other projects, a social life and a need for sleep, realistically maybe it was a bit much...).
The film was going to be about a sketch artist who can't really sketch very well, and just as he gets frustrated by this, he gets sucked inside his own crude sketches, and then goes on a little adventure. We got as far as taking all the photos for the artist starting off in 'real life', and then him sticking his hand into the paper and watching it turn into a cartoon, and then him jumping in and landing in the animated world, but no further! There was a further plan to get him onto a little cartoon boat, and then voyage across seas of ink, but this sadly never happened. Even though it won't be marked now, I'd still like to finish it off, as it'd look pretty cool!
The One shot films weren't quite as successful, partly because our group could never get together. This term it might be a good idea to make group meetings a higher priority, but I think for this one it was maybe because we were all a little uninspired to begin with, and when we did start having some cool ideas we were all too stuck into the Flash animations and it was too late to give them the time they deserved.
Finally, here's my presentation for the last term! I decided not to use Power Point, because pixelation is way more satisfying, heh! The different projects are meant to be viewed in between each part of the presentation, but you'll get the gist of it. Enjoy!
1 comment:
I checked the whiteboard a couple of days ago and it's still there. so keep the faith mate, we'll soon finish it orf!
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