Monday, 19 October 2009

Animated Storyboard

Here's an animated storyboard for the first file sharing idea, the one I already drew up a rough storyboard for -

The idea fits quite neatly into 20 seconds (this one clocks in at 24, but 4 seconds won't be too hard to trim off. I doubt the final film will have the 'The End' bit either), and stands as a solid little story. The music in this one is a Boards Of Canada, but this is used only to illustrate the kind of music I want to have in the final one and give a taste of the atmosphere I wanted to create. For the final one, I would create my own piece of (non-copyright!) music.

I'm still considering other ideas at this point, but this one does appeal to me. I'll try doing a storyboard for the second idea, and also keep trying to think of new ideas.

1 comment:

Jools said...

i think this is a stronger idea than the 'fighting musicians' idea