Thursday, 14 January 2010

Client Project Ideas

Here's some initial ideas for my client project, which I'm doing for the Heavy Sounds in Nottingham -
- A man puts on some headphones and presses play. The camera zooms into his eye and then a short animated sequence takes place, maybe with a little devil character travelling through scenes reminiscent of classic metal album covers. At the end we cut or fade to black, and see the tagline “....because life’s all about The Heavy Sounds.”
- A customer walks into the shop and as he picks up various CDs, different metal legends (or people dressed as them haha!) appear behind him. For example, he picks up a Motorhead album and Lemmy appears, and says something like “Ooh, that’s a good’un, that one!” [I have a feeling this idea would look pretty tacky, so maybe it's back to the drawing board for this one....]
- We see a viking out in a forest, who tells us about a 'sacred' place. He then goes on an epic voyage, eventually ending up outside West End Arcade, and then ventures into the Heavy Sounds.

Here are some other things I'll have to consider as well -
- If the video is designed to play on a site, how will this be done? It could be embedded on the site, or the site could link to a higher quality version. Will there be bandwidth issues here?
- Copyright....that old chestnut! I was originally thinking of having some classic songs to soundtrack the ad, but this may not be a possibility if the ad is being used for commercial use. Maybe I could get in touch with some local bands to provide music for it?
- As well as (or maybe instead of) focusing on the musical aspect of shop, it'd be nice to be able to show the shop as a kind of meeting point for like minded people, but how to actually achieve this is something I need to think about.

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