Wednesday 14 October 2009

More Simulated Project Ideas

So, after studying the brief and finding out I only have 20 seconds for my short film, I've been thinking about what could fit comfortably into this time. I don't think I should throw my original idea out of the window, as it won't be impossible, but it would have to be incredibly fast paced! This isn't an enormous problem though, or even really a problem at all as it could make for somewhat of a sensory assault, which could be fun!
My other idea was to do it kind of like those Oxfam adverts, the one where it shows slow motion shots of poverty stricken countries and then says "...but for only £1, you can help" except replace the starving children with musicians. The voiceover could say something like "This is Larry, he's a band. He has to walk three miles to get to an amp everyday, etc. etc...but for the price of a CD, you could help!" This only really addresses the problem of downloading music rather than file sharing as a whole, and still needs a bit of work, so I'll keep thinking.

1 comment:

Jonimations said...

hahaha! love the idea man! can i be larry? or his drummer?