The 'box' is actually a large cartoon version of my own head. It's shown in the above doodle with it's eyes and mouth wide open, but I actually think the idea would be better if you're greeted by the drawing with it's eyes and mouth and shut, and then once it's been clicked, my scalp disappears to reveal a brain and the eyes and mouth open up. After this, the eyes, ears, nose and mouth will all lead to little interactive segments, and a careful click of the cortex yields my Avatar, pixellation, and some of the items I'd put in my moodboard.

The Mouth!
This idea is pretty simple, it basically just involves clicking on the burger to take repeated bites of it, until the whole thing is devoured, at which point you'll return back to the main screen.
The Ear!
Again, a pretty straightforward idea, where you click the guitar to let a beautiful chord ring out, and the musical note is sent into a nearby ear, causing it's owner great happiness.
The Nose!
Here, you're confronted by the sight of a character with an enormous nose, and you can either watch him bask in the luscious scent of a nice flower, or recoil in horror when faced with a particularly unpleasant waste disposal unit...the choice is yours!
Then, after the frivolity of these four senses (I should probably think of an idea for a game for Touch too, to involve all five), you can enter into -
The Brain!
Here you'll find things like the Avatar, pixellation projects, and some items I consider to have great personal value.
A Flash Of Inspiration
I've recently been playing the game Wario Ware, on the Nintendo Wii. The game consists of a large number of small, surreal mini-games which are frantically hurled at you, giving you a matter of seconds to figure out what you have to do, and then do it! The tasks you have to perform in each mini-game range from the mundane to the bizarre, after playing the game for about 5 minutes you could have already popped an old lady's false teeth back in, tuned a guitar, picked a nose, run a marathon, shook hands with a dog, or, even better, made Mario jump on top of a Goomba...! It's a very obscure, frantic experience, but one that is never less than hilarious. Recommended for large groups of people, as the multiplayer mode that has up to 12 people passing a single remote between them and using it in a variety of strange ways to play the games is good fun!
I liked the idea of small games that make pointless or everyday tasks seem surreal, exciting and funny, so I thought about how I could make similar small interactive games on Flash.
Once I think of some more ideas for this project, I'll post them up on here!
I'm trying to download a trial version of Flash from the Adobe website, but it's taking forever...after two hours it's still only at 17% done! If it's not up and running by tomorrow, I'll head into the Waverly building and see if I can make basic structure for the box/head!
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