Sunday, 27 April 2008

Mouthing Off...

Here's another idea for how the Mouth mini-game in my Box project will work -

Once you've opened up the head, click on the mouth to go the interactive segment. This one is slightly different than the one in my sketch, as when you click the burger I lunge in and take a bite. At the moment I think this looks a little clumsy, I wanted the image to flash up quickly and then disappear without having to be clicked, but it's a little too fast at the moment. As the 'eat' picture repeats a few times, you can get a reasonable view of it, but the final 'eaten!' picture is way too brief.
If there's any way of putting time lapses on things in Flash that'd be perfect, I think, but I may be getting a little ahead of myself here as I'm still very much in the first early stages of figuring out Flash!

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