Sunday, 25 January 2009

Alternative Endings

I've now come up with a few ideas on how to end my current script, and I'm going to try scripting them now and seeing which one works best. The one I'm liking the most at the moment, is that when the robot sent itself and the time machine forward in time, the two merged without the robot realising. The pair find out when the robot inadvertently points at Roger and they're sent back in time by a few seconds. However, once Roger finds this out, there are several possibilities for what could happen. One idea is that he returns to the exact spot where he left the studio, and comes to appreciate his life a lot more, kind of like Scrooge in A Christmas Carol I guess, heh! Another is that he goes back to the original audition for 'Chuck Voyager' and does his best not to land the role...? I'm not sure if that's really a solid, satisfying ending though.
As well as this, I'm also going to try scripting another idea as a back up plan. It's kinda hard to leap into a totally new project after putting so much thought into this one, but I think it'll definitely help having a few good scripts to choose from, just in case one of the ideas is too complex, expensive or ambitious, but also if any of them turn out to be kind of weak as stories.

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