I was talking to my flatmate Elliot about how much this film could end up costing, and Elliot estimated around £500-1000... I'm not sure if this guess is a little too high, but either way I'll have to raise a bit of cash to help build the set for 'Chuck Voyager' and the robot. The set will be appropriate if it's really cheap and tacky looking, so with a bit of imagination I'm sure this wouldn't end up costing a great deal. The robot, on the other hand, could be a little trickier. It's okay if it looks a little cheap, as after all it was made on a budget in the actual plot, but I don't want it to just look like a load of cardboard boxes...
The robot should be humanoid, and as non-threatening as possible. Maybe a robot that looks sort of like this would work -
It wouldn't be too hard to make a reasonable robot suit by sticking chunks of painted card onto a jumpsuit for added flexibility, and then modifying a bike helmet a little to act as it's head.
A robot like this would be quite easy to achieve too -
- but I'm not too sure I want the robot to look like this. It doesn't have much of a personality, and looks quite ominous in a way. Even the robot in this film is meant to be slightly incompetent, it's still supposed to be quite a lovable character. I want the audience to feel kinda sorry for it when Roger has a go at it, and I'm not sure a big chunky box would be able to convey things like this...
This is a kinda classic robot style, which I think would work really well given that 'Chuck Voyager' adheres to so many sci-fi stereotypes and conventions, so the film will be quite consistent stylistically. I also like the idea of robots getting more and more complex as the human race advances, then cheaper and poorer as it declines, meaning that the final robot that was produced does resemble something out of 'The Jetsons' rather than 'I Robot'.
This is a similar design to the last one, but I like the rounded head! If you were to make this into a costume, you could put eye holes in the mouth bit, and then put big LEDs or something in the eyes to give it a little bit more personality.
Another pretty classic design, this robot looks awesome and is actually quite a basic design - human body shape with dials and switches on the chest, and connections on all the joints, it's just the head that could pose a problem. However, I'm sure with the right lighting, and from the right angle, something like a bunch of bottle tops and old loo roll tubes stuck to a box and painted silver could look like a fairly convincing robot face...maybe?
Whilst searching about for robot examples I found this awesome picture too -
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