Wednesday 27 January 2010

One Rode To Asa Bay

Here's another film that has a lot in common aesthetically with my Client project idea, the music video to Bathory's song 'One Rode To Asa Bay'. The whole thing was shot in Norway, and apparently cost Quorthon, the band leader, $5,000 to film. Around 60 hours were filmed, but most of this was apparently erased by the director, leaving the band with around 18 minutes of footage....whoops!

There's a lot of fading transitions in here, some of which work really well (the bit near the start where the viking stands up, layered over the monks, looks great) and some of them are almost disorientating. While the story that's being told here (settlers bringing a new religion to a land) is quite different to mine, a lot of the shots of people walking through woodlands are quite similar to what I had in mind for this project.

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